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Unforgivable Sin Page 6

  As I stand there in shock at her declaration of love for me, she stands up with her purse and moves past me, moving towards the front door. When she reaches it, she pauses again before looking over her shoulder at me.

  “Bye, Troy,” she says morosely.

  Later on, I meet up with Jace at our club before it opens so we can go over some paperwork.

  “Alright, man. I think we got this all taken care of. We just need Marc’s signature on a few things, and we’ll be good,” Jace says as he stacks the paper in a pile on the desk.

  “Okay, good.”

  “Now, tell me more about what the fuck Carla is up to,” he says as he leans back in the chair and crosses his right leg over his left knee.

  I shake my head. “Man, I don’t know. She seems legitimately sad, which I can understand given the circumstances with her parents. She’s always crying and I do feel bad for her, but I don’t know. I can’t tell if she’s fuckin’ with me or not.”

  “Why would she be?” he asks.

  “I have no idea. She hasn’t been cruel, she’s apologized, and said she knows she was wrong and stupid, and then of course the big announcement; that she still loves me.”

  “That’s crazy. I mean, it’s been so long since y’all have been together. I never thought she’d be back and wanting to be in your life again. Maybe she does just want to be friends and just wants your forgiveness. Maybe it will help her move on.”

  I give Jace a look that causes him to laugh.

  “Hey,” he says, putting his hands in the air. “I’m just playing devil’s advocate. You said yourself she hasn’t been mean and seems unhappy, and that she just wants to be your friend. Maybe if you just say you forgive her, she’ll get some closure and move on and leave you alone.”

  “I don’t know about that. I know there isn’t any reason for me to hold onto the past and Emilie thinks I’m still living in the past, but I can’t bring myself to tell her I forgive her for fucking my cousin in my fucking bed. Isn’t that some unforgivable shit?”

  “Yeah, that was fucked up. I don’t know then, brother. She’s already showed up to your house twice; well, three times if you count the time she left that gift for you. I don’t know if she’s going away anytime soon.”

  I let out a long breath. “Shit. I hope so. She’s going to show up one day when Emilie is there and all hell is gonna break loose.”

  “Then just tell her you forgive her and for her not to worry about it anymore. I really think it might work. She just feels guilty and wants your forgiveness.”

  “She wants to be friends,” I respond.

  “Whatever. You can agree to that. Doesn’t mean you have to go have lunch with her, or the movies. Just means if you see her out and about, you can smile and nod and keep it moving.”

  “Maybe. I’ll worry about all that if she shows up again.”

  “Good luck with that,” Jace says, dropping his leg to the floor. “So, you and Em are coming over for Christmas, right?”

  “Of course. Like I’d miss out on watching you and Adrienne play house,” I say with a smirk.

  “Ah, what the fuck ever. You just want free food.”

  “That too. But really, I’m happy for you two. She might be a little out of your league, but she seems to like you,” I joke.

  “Ha ha. Funny.”

  “Marc out of town again?” I ask.

  “I think so, but his ass better fucking be here for Christmas. He already said he was coming.”

  “Alright, well let’s let him know these papers need to be signed.”

  “I’ll leave him a message.”

  “Alright, brother,” I say as I get up. “I gotta get out of here. I’ll hit you up later, okay?”

  “Sounds good.”

  On my way to the car, I send a text to Emilie.

  Me: Thinking about you.

  Her response is almost immediate.

  Emilie: Aww. See, you’re not too bad at this boyfriend thing. I’m thinking about you, too.

  I smile as I climb into the car, and before I can start it, Emilie texts again.

  Emilie: You know what you do need practice on? Kissing for longer periods of time. Let’s try it out.

  I laugh out loud. Of course Emilie wouldn’t let me get out of that unscathed. This is her nice way of letting me know she didn’t appreciate the way I left her.

  Me: I can kiss you for as long as you want. In more than one place, too.

  Emilie: I can’t wait.

  Me: Tonight?

  Emilie: Dammit! I can’t. I close at work tonight, and I made plans to meet up with some friends after. I’m sorry. Tomorrow?

  Me: It’s a date.

  And a hell of a date it’s going to be.

  After I close up The Coffee House, I rush home to shower before Adrienne and Christine come over.

  Adrienne arrives first as I’m pulling out the tequila from the kitchen cabinet.

  “Knock knock,” she calls as she opens the door slightly.

  “Come in. I’m in the kitchen.”

  “You should really lock your door. I could have been a murderer or something.”

  “Well, luckily for me, you’re not,” I say with a smile. “Margarita?”

  “Of course. Christine’s not here yet?’


  “Okay. Tell me about your date with Troy,” she says excitedly as she sits at the dining room table with the palms of her hands under her chin.

  I laugh. “It was great. We had dinner, we talked about…”

  “I don’t care about that stuff,” she scoffs with a wave of her hand. “I already know you guys know each other. Tell me about the after date stuff.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

  With a sigh, I pour the ice into the blender. “We didn’t have sex if that’s what you’re wondering.” She makes a pouty face. “He walked me to the door, and he gave me the most amazing kiss.”

  “Even better than the last one where he kissed your soul?” she asks with a laugh.

  “What’s weird is that this wasn’t even a kiss kiss. He was so passionate though. He caressed my face and neck, tugged my head to the side and moved his lips and tongue across my neck. Then when he backed up, he gave me two kisses on the mouth. No tongue. Then he left.”

  “What?” Adrienne squeaks.

  I shrug my shoulders and pour the tequila in the blender.

  “I think you’re supposed to measure that out in shots, not just pour it in there like that,” Adrienne says, eyeing me.

  “Oops,” I say with a grin.

  “Yeah right, oops. Anyway, that’s kind of weird, right? I mean, you guys have been talking and flirting almost as long as I’ve known Jace. I thought y’all would have hopped in the bed before even having dinner.”

  “I know! That’s what I thought,” I screech. “Don’t get me wrong. I loved the kiss. You know my neck is my sweet spot,” I say with a smile as I remember the feeling of his mouth on me. “Don’t worry. I already told him we need to work on kissing longer.”

  “You didn’t?” Adrienne exclaims.

  “I did. You know I can’t keep my mouth shut.”

  There’s a knock on the door, cutting our conversation short.

  “I’ll get it, you make those drinks,” Adrienne says as she moves towards the door.

  A few moments later I hear Adrienne call out, “Christine is here!”

  I finish blending the drinks, pour them into the glasses, and meet them in the living room.

  “Hey, Christine. How’s it goin’?” I ask.

  “Great! Thanks for having me over.”

  “No problem.”

  “Cheers,” Adrienne says as we clink our glasses together.

  We all sit around the living room chatting about different things ranging from men to our jobs.

  “What are your plans for Christmas, Christine?” Adrienne asks.

  “I’ll be going to my parent’s house.”

  “That’s nice,” I say, still hating the fac
t that I can’t spend time with my parents anymore.

  “Yeah. What about you guys?” she asks, gesturing between me and Adrienne.

  “Well, Adrienne and her boyfriend are hosting at his house. Her dad is going, and some friends. Should be fun.”

  “And Emilie’s boyfriend is going too,” Adrienne says happily.

  Christine looks at me with her perfectly shaped eyebrows raised. “Boyfriend? I guess that means you don’t want to chop him in the throat anymore?” she asks with a laugh.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” I respond with a wink. “We just recently became a couple, so it’s still very new.”

  “But not really, because they’ve known each other for a while. He’s just finally got his shit together,” Adrienne pipes in.

  “Well, it’s good that he did. What was keeping him from you? You’re hot!”

  I laugh. “Issues with letting go of the past. Ex-girlfriend problems. You know how that goes,” I say with a roll of my eyes

  “Ahh,” she says, nodding her head in agreement.

  I pull my legs up on the couch and curl them to the side. “I don’t think I have anything to worry about, though. He’s been honest with me about everything. He can’t stand the girl, so I don’t have to worry about him cheating on me. She just fucked him over so bad that he has trust issues.”

  “Aww, that’s terrible,” Christine says. “I’m glad everything seems to be going in a good direction now.”

  I smile back at her. “Me too. I really like him.”

  After a couple hours, Adrienne and Christine get up to leave.

  “Thanks for coming over, girls,” I say as I walk them to the front door.

  “Yeah, it was fun,” Christine responds.

  “I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Adrienne says as she gives me a hug. “Make sure you lock this damn door.”

  “Yes, mom.”

  She rolls her eyes before walking out with Christine. I flop back down on the couch and down the rest of my now partially frozen margarita. Christine and Adrienne only drank one since they had to drive back home, so that left me to finish off the rest of it. Plus, I don’t have to work tomorrow, so I figured why not?

  I fiddle with my phone, and finally say, “Fuck it.” I text Troy, and it’s probably because I’m slightly tipsy, that I text him what I do.

  Me: You should come over.

  A few minutes goes by before he responds.

  Troy: Oh really? And why is that?

  I smile at his response.

  Me: Oh, you know. Just to hang out and… stuff.

  Troy: Stuff. I need to know more about this stuff.

  I smile even wider at the prospect of being able to do some sexting.

  Me: Well, we can finish that kiss.

  Troy: It wasn’t finished?

  I sigh.

  Me: No, it wasn’t. I needed to feel your tongue.

  Me: I mean… my mouth did.

  I slap my hand on my forehead. Way to sound stupid, Emilie. This is why you should never drunk text, or even tipsy text. You say stupid shit. Five minutes goes by before he responds. I was starting to wonder if I scared him away.

  Troy: What if I want my tongue in other places besides your mouth?

  My stomach does a somersault and warmth fills my body. The image of his tongue in other places gets me instantly excited. I shift on the couch, lying down with my head on the armrest.

  Me: I think that would be okay, but only if I can return the favor.

  Again, several minutes go by without a response. I wonder if he’s just nodding off in bed while we’re texting. With a sigh, I get up and take my glass to the kitchen. I shut off the lights and start walking towards my bedroom. Halfway there I hear a noise by the front door. I jump slightly and look at the clock. It’s eleven thirty at night. I’m immediately grateful that I locked it after the girls left.

  I creep back through the living room and towards the door. When I get up to the peephole, I hear a soft knock. Looking through it, I can barely make out a man’s figure. He turns and looks right at me.

  “Troy,” I say breathily as I open the door for him.

  “So, I think you were saying something about my tongue.”

  My cheeks heat up and redden. Troy slides his tongue across his bottom lip as he steps inside and closes the door behind him. He tilts his head slightly, waiting for me to say something.

  “Oh, uh, yeah. Your tongue.”

  Smooth. Real smooth.

  The sides of his lips lift slightly. I glance down and notice the white t-shirt that’s stretching across his thick chest and broad shoulders. His tattooed arms are at his side with his hands in the pockets of some light gray lounge pants. How the hell does he make pajamas look sexy?

  I’m suddenly very conscious of my unsexy flannel pants and unflattering large t-shirt.

  Troy doesn’t seem bothered by them because his lips clash into mine. His hands grasp my face, and I feel his tongue delve deep into my mouth. My moans are swallowed up by his mouth. His kiss is both passionate and ferocious. He’s completely devouring me, yet setting my body on fire with lust.

  He pulls back slightly, his full and soft lips kissing my own. His tongue darts out and glides over my swollen bottom lip.

  “Uh, I think we should go to my room,” I say as I gulp for air.

  I don’t wait for his response. I turn and quickly maneuver through the dark house until I get to my room. As soon as I cross the threshold, I feel Troy lift my shirt up. I raise my arms in an attempt to help him get it off. The shirt falls to the floor in a whisper.

  I feel him move against my back, his large hands gently moving over my hips, across my stomach, and then he cups my breasts. I moan loudly as he squeezes them in his hands, an electric spark shooting to my core. My head drops back against his chest, and his mouth finds my neck.

  One of his hands begins trailing my stomach, progressing further and further down, until his hand rubs my pussy from the outside of my pants. I wonder briefly if he can feel the wetness through them.

  He swiftly turns me around, and backs me up until my legs hit the side of the bed. I sit down and scoot back, waiting for his next move. He’s still completely dressed, and I’m topless, my breasts moving up and down with each breath I take.

  Troy pulls the bottom of his shirt up and over his head in one quick motion. I gape at him. He is beautiful. His chest is full and thick with muscles; his arms are just as muscular and covered in black ink. He has an eight pack with that delicious V that’s pointing right down to his… whoa. His large erection is pushing against his pants, and the outline leaves very little to the imagination.

  He stalks forward, pushing me gently back until I’m lying down. My pants are suddenly yanked off and tossed next to my shirt. I’m left wearing only my purple thong.

  After kicking off his shoes and climbing on the bed, he hovers over my body, his lips an inch away from mine.

  “Does your mouth still want my tongue?” he asks huskily. One hand moves between us and rubs small circles over my panties. “Or somewhere else?”

  I moan in response and close my eyes as he continues massaging my clit, taking me to a land of euphoria. He brings his hand back up and cups my breast. I watch as his mouth covers my nipple, his tongue twirling around the hardened bud.

  He lifts his face and looks me in the eyes.

  “You wanted my tongue in your mouth. You got it. Now I want my tongue in your pussy.”

  I bite down on my lip and groan in anticipation. Troy kisses my chest before moving down to my stomach. When he reaches the skin below my belly button, his tongue slides out and he makes a trail all the way to the top of my panties. My breath hitches and I wait for him to go lower. I feel him slowly slide my panties down my legs, never taking his eyes off of me.

  He runs his large hands up my legs to the inside of my thighs, gently spreading them apart.

  “Oh, Troy,” I moan as I throw my head back.

  I gasp as soon as I fee
l his warm tongue on my pussy. “Yes!”

  I hear him grunt as he continues licking the length of me. His lips cover my clit and he sucks gently before lightly flicking his tongue back and forth over it. I grip the covers in my hands and try to keep from squeezing him in between my legs.

  All of a sudden I feel his tongue dip inside of my opening.

  “Oh fuck!” I cry out. “Yes, God, yes.”

  He continues to fuck me with his perfect tongue while his finger rubs my clit, bringing me to the brink of an orgasm. When he stops, I whine in frustration. Troy quickly shuts me up when he begins to consume me. He licks, sucks, kisses, and penetrates my pussy with his godly tongue until I’m squirming around on the bed. My hands are gripping his head, making sure he doesn’t move away. He slips two fingers inside of my soaking wet pussy and only a minute later, I’m experiencing the most amazing orgasm I’ve ever had in my life.

  “Oh, oh, shit. Troy!” I yell out.

  He moves to his knees, straddling my legs, and I instantly reach up and pull him towards me. My lips crash into his, and I taste myself on him. I suck his tongue into my mouth and his hands go to the back of my head, pulling me closer.

  Troy pulls away, but only to remove the rest of his clothes. He drops a gold condom wrapper on the bed next to me.