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Unforgivable Sin Page 14

  “I know, man. I’ll figure out a way to get rid of her for good, but let’s stop talking about that crazy bitch. I’m mad I ever met her in the first place.”

  “I’m sure you are, but okay, back to work.”

  “Yeah, the manager we hired is great. He knows his job and knows it well.”

  “Oh, Steve? Yeah, he ran one of the other clubs downtown, right?”

  “Yeah. Now that he’s settled here, we won’t have to be so hands on with a lot of the employees and things of that nature. I’m good with running things behind the scenes.”

  “I feel ya on that.” He plants both feet on the floor, and leans forward a little. “So, for our next club, we’re not building it from the ground up, correct? We’re just gonna see if we can find a place to buy out and then re-design it?”

  “Right. It takes less time to do it that way.”

  “Okay. Have we got any locations to look at yet?” he asks.

  I start to shake my head when Marc walks in.

  “Yeah, I found one for us to look at,” Marc says, slipping his phone into his pants pocket.

  “Well, shit. I almost forgot you were here, man,” I say.

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” he says with a small shrug.

  “Problems?” I ask.

  He sits in a chair next to Jace. “Not really. Nothing important, anyway.” He doesn’t make eye contact with either of us.

  Jace and I exchange a brief look acknowledging that we both know something’s up.

  “Hey, man. What’s goin’ on with you?” I ask. “You haven’t been around a whole lot, and you don’t give us a whole lot of information about what’s goin’ on with you anymore. We just wanna make sure everything’s alright.”

  He looks up and makes eye contact with us both. With a small smile, he says, “Aww, are you guys lookin’ out for me?”

  I can tell he’s trying to deflect and play it off.

  “Come on, man. We’re serious,” Jace says, turning and looking at him. “You seem tired all the time, and maybe that’s because you’re traveling so much, but we’re just curious is all. It’s none of our business, but we just want to make sure everything is good with you.”

  “Everything’s good, guys” he states. “I have been traveling a lot, but that’s about it. I stay busy with clients and have a few regulars who are requiring more of my time, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” He finishes with a confident smile.

  “Well, alright,” I reply.

  “So, about that place,” Marc starts. “I have a friend who told me he’s trying to get rid of his old club. It’s smaller than Club Trinity, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem. We shouldn’t have to change it up too much because it’s not like it’s a piece of shit. We’ll probably want to re-paint the walls, put in different floors, and a few other things, but I think we should all go look at it.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Jace replies.

  “Yeah, me too. When do you think we can take a look?” I inquire.

  “Let me talk to Lincoln, and see when would be a good time for him.”

  “You gonna call now?” Jace asks.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll be back,” Marc answers as he makes his way out the door.

  Jace and I sit there quietly until we hear the door in the hall close, letting us know that he went into the main part of the club to make the call.

  “He could have made the call from in here, or called from the hall,” Jace says with a laugh.

  “I guess he wanted privacy.”

  “Something’s up with him. I don’t think he’s a drug-dealer or a pimp like Nico does, but he’s been different lately,” Jace says.

  I shrug. “Maybe he’s having relationship problems.”

  “Relationship? What relationship?”

  “Look, I don’t wanna be all gossipy like a chick, but I saw him a little while back with some girl. He doesn’t know I saw them, but they were messin’ around, so I figure he’s been dating somebody.”

  “Maybe it was a client,” Jace muses.

  “Mmm. Maybe, but this was at the club when he was working, so I doubt he’d have a client come here at that time.”

  “Mysterious Marc,” Jace laughs.

  “You’re stupid, man,” I say, laughing along with him.

  “Can you guys leave now?” Marc asks, popping his head into the office and holding the phone against his chest.

  “Yeah,” Jace and I answer together.

  He nods and walks off down the hall. We hear him start to talk and then hear the closing of the door again.

  “Well, alright,” I say as I push away from the desk and stand up. “Guess we’re meeting him outside.”

  We laugh and head back downstairs and outside where Marc is just hanging up the phone.

  “Wanna ride together?” he asks.

  “Yeah. Your car?”


  We all get into his white BMW and take the forty-five minute trip to the place he was talking about. It seems to be set right in the middle of a restaurant, and some sort of shopping center. It’s a busy location, which will be nice and generate a lot of business. The club itself doesn’t look much like a club at all. It’s pretty discreet on the outside, and I wonder how anybody knew what it was. The few windows are tinted so dark you aren’t able to see inside, and the door looks to be solid black metal.

  “Lincoln should be here soon,” Marc says as we wait outside the door. “He has the key.”

  We wait another five minutes before Lincoln shows up. When he does, he’s getting dropped off in a sleek, black Mercedes. The windows are almost as dark as the car itself, and several moments pass before the back door opens, and someone steps out.

  Marc is texting someone on his phone when Lincoln steps up to our group.

  “I hope I haven’t kept you long,” he says, running a hand over his dark, slicked back hair. “I was a little pre-occupied.” After adjusting his tie, and buttoning up his dark grey suit jacket, he flashes us a look that lets us know he was with a woman.

  “Not a problem,” I answer with a grin. “I’m Troy Thompson, this here is my business associate, Jace Jamison, and I’m sure you know our other business partner,” I say, gesturing towards Marc.

  Marc finally looks up from his phone, but he looks angry. Maybe he really is having relationship problems.

  “Yes, I know Marc, and he’s mentioned you two before. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Lincoln Cash.”

  We shake hands and then he moves to the door, unlocks it and pushes it open. Jace follows directly behind him, and then I after him. Marc is still standing on the sidewalk, phone in hand.

  “You comin’, man?” I ask.

  He steps forward and leans inside the doorway. “Hey, Lincoln, just start giving them a tour real quick. I gotta handle something, and then I’ll be right in.”

  “Not a problem,” Lincoln responds.

  The door closes loudly behind me, and we’re quickly surrounded by darkness.

  “One second, fellas,” Lincoln states. A few moments later, a light in the hall that we’re in, flickers on above us. “The light switch for this area is a little ways from the door. Not really sure why it’s like that.”

  He leads us through the fairly narrow hallway, the outer wall on our left and a large wall to the right that doesn’t allow you to see what’s on the other side. When we’ve reached the end, he hits another switch and a soft glow fills the room.

  I hear Jace whistle, and when I turn the corner, I find out why.

  The room is spectacular. The floor is black granite, and most of the walls are mirrored. The bottom half of the walls, which has to be at least six feet, are mirrored while the top half is the same color as the floor. On the other side of the room, the bar looks to be set further back in its own alcove.

  On either side of the bar are stairs that lead up to a second floor I didn’t realize this place had.

  “Can we go upstairs?” I ask.

  “Yes, of course,
” Lincoln replies, gesturing towards the stairs.

  Jace and I get to the stairs first and Lincoln walks behind us.

  “So why are you getting rid of this place?” Jace asks.

  “Well, as much as I love it, I’ve found a place with more space, and that’s what I needed.”

  When we reach the top of the stairs we take a left. I quickly recognize that this isn’t much of another floor, as it is just a wraparound hallway. There’s a DJ booth up here, and not much else. As we reach one corner, I notice a larger doorway.

  “What’s this?”

  “Oh. It can be whatever you’d like,” he says with a small grin.

  The silver doors open outwards, and inside is a room with dark blue material draped from the ceiling, creating a tent affect. The walls are a lighter blue with silver accents cut into them. There are sporadic lantern lights hanging down from the ceiling, and at the opposite end of the room is a sliding door.

  “So is this another dance floor?” I ask.

  “It could be,” Lincoln answers with a shrug.

  “What’s behind that sliding door?” Jace asks, already walking towards it.

  “Just a very small seating area,” Lincoln replies.

  “When Jace slides the door open, we notice a rectangular bench seat running along the back wall, and several curtains that you can use to separate you from others who may also be sitting on the bench.

  “Check it out,” Jace says quietly, pointing upwards. “More mirrors.”


  We step out and back into the material draped room where Lincoln is standing and using his phone. When he hears our footsteps, he looks up.

  “So what do you think? Obviously, you can make any changes you want, but do you think it’s okay space wise?”

  “Yeah. It’s definitely bigger than I thought it was going to be,” I answer. “So we have two dance floors, but with the doors to this one, we can be sure to keep the music separated.”

  “Oh yes. You won’t be able to hear anything from out there, while you’re inside here,” Lincoln says.

  “Great,” Jace responds just as Marc enters the room.

  “Everything alright?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, perfect. So, what do you guys think of the place?” he asks us.

  Jace and I glance at each other and nod. “We like it.”

  “I do too. We’ll make some changes, I’m sure, but I like the setup,” Marc says, glancing around the room. “So, we’re good to move forward?”

  “Yeah, let’s do it.”

  Marc smiles at us before turning to Lincoln. “Okay, Linc, just send me an email when you’re ready to start the paperwork. We’ll make sure we have everybody we need present to go over everything and finalize the sale.”

  Lincoln gives Marc a small nod before turning to Jace and I and extending his hand. “It was nice meeting you. I’m glad you like the place, and hope it turns out well for you all.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Cash,” I reply.

  He shakes his head and gives me a small smile. “Please, call me Lincoln.”

  “Well, thanks again, Lincoln,” Jace says as he shakes his hand. “We really appreciate this. We didn’t expect to find something this fast.”

  “Thank Marc,” he says, jerking his head slightly in Marc’s direction. “Anyway, I have to run. I have someone waiting for me in the car. I’ll see you guys soon, but I’ll leave you the key now so you can lock up.” He hands me the key and then turns to look at Marc. “You’ll hear from me shortly.”

  Marc nods and then Lincoln turns and leaves.

  “Well, thanks, Marc,” I exclaim as I walk over and slap him on the back.

  “Yeah, man,” Jace chimes in. “This isn’t a bad place. We’ll just need to sit down and figure out what we want to change.”

  “I’m just glad Lincoln was willing to part with it. I didn’t think he would,” Marc says.

  “Oh, well he told us he found something bigger,” I reply.

  “Well, then we all come out winners,” Marc says with a grin.

  We all make our way out, shutting off all the lights and locking the door behind us. When we’re in the car, I turn to look at Marc, about to ask how he knows Lincoln when something catches my eye.


  “Yeah?” he replies, not taking his eyes from the road.

  “You seem to have some lipstick on your neck.”

  His eyes widen slightly and he turns and looks at me. I raise my eyebrows, waiting for his response.

  He gives me a crooked smile before looking back at the road. “Oops.”

  “Oh my gosh!” Adrienne squeals. “I can’t believe it!”

  She has the biggest smile on her face as she clasps her hands together and stares at me.

  I smile back, unable to control it even if I wanted to. “I know!”

  “You guys are the cutest! And now you’re all in love and shit like me.”

  I laugh. “Isn’t being all in love and shit the best?”

  “Well, I don’t want to be in shit, but yes, love is great!”

  “You’re dumb,” I say, still laughing.

  She shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip of her coke. “Anyway, I’m really happy for you guys.”

  I smile a cheesy grin and pull my legs up on the couch. “So, what’s been goin’ on with you?”

  “Well, you know Liz? Mrs. Roberts?”

  “The guys’ boss, well, ex-boss?” I ask.

  “Yeah. She’s hired me for another event, but this time it’s for a charity fundraiser. She’s promised Vivian won’t be around.”

  “Good. Stupid tramp.”

  “Yeah, I think she said she went on a trip overseas or something. Whatever. I don’t care. So, I’ve been busy doing that, and it hasn’t been near as stressful as the wedding I did for her, so that’s good.”

  “I miss working,” I say.

  “You want to go back?” Adrienne asks, almost shocked.

  “Of course. I hate staying inside. You know I get all stir crazy. I know the store is fine without me. The manager has been stopping in, and then the employees have always been great, but I miss having something to do.”

  “You’ve been able to hang out with Troy, though. That’s probably nice. Plus, you need to rest and relax. I know I don’t have to say why, but it’s probably for the best that you don’t go back right away.”

  I let out a breath. “I know.”

  “Honey, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I hate that bitch for what she did to you, and I really hope the police find her soon. I know it must be tough to not be able to live your life like you want to without looking over your shoulder every second.”

  “Yeah, it sucks. I feel like I’m always being babysat. No offense to you, because you know I like hanging out with you anyway. But… I don’t know.”

  She puts her hand on my knee. “I know. We all just love you so much, and want to make sure you’re safe. We don’t know what else she’s capable of.”

  “I just want her to go away. I don’t even care where she goes, as long as she isn’t here.”

  “She needs to go to jail!” Adrienne exclaims.

  “Or the crazy house,” I reply.

  “Either one, but she doesn’t deserve to be wherever she wants.”

  “I know. I’m so mad she was able to fool us. I can’t believe we were trying to be friends with her!”

  “There’s no way we could have known it was Carla. We never knew what Carla looked like, and nobody would have imagined she would have come back and befriended the girlfriend of her ex-fiancé.”

  I shake my head. “She must have been watching him for a while. She had to have seen us together and assumed we were already a couple. She found out where I worked and everything. It’s just fucking crazy.”

  “Well, she’s fucking Captain Crazy.”

  I laugh despite it all. “Cuckoo for cocoa puffs?”

  Adrienne laughs. “Yep.”

  “She was only
able to do all that to me because she drugged me, and then tied me up. You know I would have fought back if I could have. She doesn’t have the upper hand anymore. I know who she is, and I’m not afraid of her being able to do the same thing again.”

  “I know you would have. You’re a scrapper, but you still have to be cautious until she’s caught.”

  “I know,” I sigh, annoyed at the whole situation. “Ugh. Anyway, let’s talk about something else. Talking about her only gets me mad, and there’s nothing I can do about that anyway. I’m fine now, and want to move on as much as possible. Once she’s been found, I’ll move on for good.”

  Adrienne gives me a small smile. “Okay.”

  I re-adjust myself on the couch and then face her. She takes a drink of her coke and then looks back at me.

  “So,” I say.

  She narrows her eyes slightly at me. “So?” she drags out.

  “You and Jace. When are y’all gonna start making babies?”

  She widens her eyes. “What?” she chokes out. “Babies?”

  I shrug nonchalantly. “Yeah, babies. When are you gonna start poppin’ those babies out.”

  “Uhh, I think that’s a bit much right now. We aren’t even living together.”

  “Oh. Well, okay, let’s start there. When are you gonna move in together?”

  She looks at me funny. “I don’t know. Ask Jace. This is his place, and I doubt he’ll want to move into mine. I already told you, I’m not asking him about this.”

  “You’re crazy. He’s totally in love with you. Why wouldn’t he want you to move in? Unless you’re making it seem like you don’t want to live with him.”

  “I’m not making it seem like that. I guess I’m not making it seem like anything. I’m not gonna be one of those girls who whine about where the relationship is going. We’re together, we’re happy, and that’s good with me.”

  “Do you want to live together?” I ask.

  “I’d love to live with Jace, but I…”

  “Eh!” I put my hand up. “Stop right there. That’s all I need. You want to move in with Jace. Aww!”

  She smiles. “You’re so weird, Em, but I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”