Unforgivable Sin Read online

Page 13

  Troy takes the paper back and places it on the counter. “We need to save this and give it to the police.”

  “Yeah,” I say while nodding my head. “So, she was here? Watching us?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe.”

  “I thought she left, Troy. I didn’t think I’d have to worry about her, but clearly she hasn’t gone anywhere.”

  “I know,” he says, throwing his arm around my shoulder and bringing me into his side. He kisses my temple gently. “She’s not going to get anywhere near you, because she’ll have to get through me first, and that’s not gonna happen.”

  I nod my head once and wrap my arms around his waist, so grateful to have him. “Guess I should call the cops and let them know she’s still around.”

  “Yes you should,” he replies, moving away to grab his house phone. “You call while I make our plates. We’re not going to let this ruin our night. I’m tired of allowing her to control my life. I’ll set the alarm on the house, and we’ll see what the cops have to say.”

  “Okay,” I say, walking down the hall to his bedroom to make the call.

  After getting off the phone with the detective, I find Troy sitting at the small table in the kitchen, waiting for me.

  “What’d they say?” he asks, getting up to pull my chair out for me.

  “They’re going to send a patrol car over here and to my place, and keep an eye on both for a while to see if they spot her.”

  Troy grunts and I kiss his cheek before taking my seat.

  While we eat, we try talking about random things, not wanting to dwell on Crazy being back in the picture, but I’m sure she was in the back of both our minds. I can basically see the wheels turning in Troy’s head, and I can’t help but think about what she might do if she were to ever catch me off guard. The woman is obviously off her rocker.

  “Movie?” Troy asks, taking our plates to the sink.

  “Sure. What do you wanna watch?” I ask.

  “You choose this time.”

  “Hmm. The Notebook or Magic Mike?” I say out loud with a finger on my chin.

  His head snaps back in my direction so fast and the look on his face is priceless. I can’t stay serious and end up barking out a loud laugh. He eventually smiles at me and then turns back to put the dishes in the dishwasher.

  “I love you, but not that much,” he says quietly, so quietly that I almost don’t hear him.

  It’s the first time he’s said he loves me, and I’m stunned silent. My laughter immediately stops and I just stare at his back. Did he mean to say that? Does he really love me, or is that just one of those things you say? I don’t want to ask him about it, and he hasn’t turned back to face me, so maybe it wasn’t a big deal to him.

  When he’s done, he walks over to me and smiles, his slight dimples making an appearance. “Ready?” he asks, extending his arm.

  I can’t help but smile back into his handsome face. “Ready.”

  We walk into the living room and he shuts all the lights off before turning on the TV.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t have Magic Man or The Notepad, so we’re gonna have to find something on TV or Netflix.”

  I laugh and slap his arm. “You know damn well that’s not what those movies are called!”

  A grin breaks out on his face, but he plays stupid. “What?”

  “Whatever,” I say, still smiling. “Give me the remote, Magic Man.”

  I end up putting it on one of the Iron Man movies that’s on, and then I curl into him on the couch; his arm automatically goes around me and pulls me closer. I can’t help but smile into his chest. This my favorite place to be.

  I do my best to not think about Carla being out there somewhere. I know I’m safe here with Troy by my side, and his alarm is pretty secure, so I don’t think she can get in here. When it comes time to leave the house, I know Troy won’t ever let me be alone. If he can’t be with me, he has people he’s ready to call to make sure I’m not by myself. At first I thought it was a bit ridiculous, but considering what Carla’s already done, and her now leaving notes, I wouldn’t put anything past her. Taking Troy’s advice, I’m not going to allow her to ruin our night.

  Towards the end of the movie, my eye keeps wandering to the outline of his cock that’s so prominent with the shorts he’s wearing. He’s not even hard, but I can see it and can’t look away. Without thought, my hand rubs over the length of his dick through his shorts, and it jumps.

  “Watch yourself, girl.”

  I giggle but continue to stroke him over his shorts. “What?” I ask in my most innocent voice.

  “Alright, just be prepared to finish what you start,” he says without moving.

  I slip my hand under the waistband of his shorts and find the opening in his boxer briefs, and run my finger all the way up to the tip. Wrapping my fingers around his thick length, I stroke him until his erection grows and needs to be freed from his underwear.

  Slowly, I move from the couch and position myself on my knees in between his legs. With his help, I pull his shorts and boxer briefs down and his large cock springs free. I lick my lips in anticipation of having him in my mouth.

  I glance up at him and I’m met with lust filled eyes. His arms are stretched along the back of the couch, and his eyes are watching me, waiting for my next move.

  Raising up higher on my knees and leaning forward a little more, I lick him from base to tip. I taste the small amount of pre-cum that has made its way from the slit in his head. Troy groans and it’s such a fucking turn on. I wrap my hands around his shaft, and my lips around his engorged head, and begin licking, sucking, and stroking. I can feel him getting harder and harder in my hands, and my pussy becomes wetter and wetter.

  Removing one hand, I continue to stroke the length of him while simultaneously taking him in my mouth as deep as I can.

  Before I realize what’s happening, Troy moves causing me to release his delicious cock from mouth.

  “Stand up,” he demands.

  I get up quickly and just as fast, he rips his T-shirt off of me, leaving me completely naked and standing in front of him.

  Gently turning me around, he sits me on the edge of the couch, and then spreads my legs as far apart as they can go. Troy drops to his knees, and I watch as his tongue snakes out between his full lips and licks me from my entrance to my clit. His eyes flicker up to mine briefly before his large hands grab the backs of my thighs and push them up. I let my upper body fall back to the back of the couch, but I continue to watch his wet tongue dart out and touch me in every way I desire.

  His lips cover my clit and the tip of his tongue flicks back and forth over the sensitive bundle of nerves. I squeeze the couch cushions in my hands as I let out a deep moan. Troy moves my legs around his shoulders, and his hands begin gliding over my stomach until he reaches my breasts. While he gives me the best kind of tongue lashing you can ask for, his fingers pinch my nipples causing me to throw my head back and yell out in pleasure.

  Troy moves to his feet and removes the rest of his clothes, and even with only the light from the TV glowing in the room, I make sure to admire every inch of him.

  His chest is full, his abs cut, his arms are prominent, and even his thighs and calves are muscled. This is a man who takes care of himself in every way. The only tattoos he has cover both arms completely, a mixture of tribal lines and curves, and enough negative space to still see his beautiful, chocolate skin.

  Let’s not forget about the biggest and most captivating muscle that’s literally staring me in the face. I bite my lip in anticipation of feeling him inside me. He must have read my mind.

  “Come on. We’re gonna need more room for what I want to do,” he says as he reaches for me.

  I stand and he lifts me up, my legs wrap around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. We make our way to his bedroom, and stare into each other’s eyes most of the way, a feeling passes between us that’s unlike anything I’ve felt before. The way he’s looking at
me makes me believe he truly does love me.

  When we get to the bed, he places my body down slowly, never taking his eyes off of me. I scoot up to give him more room, and he crawls over my body, his lips are just a breath away from my own.

  He closes the gap and our lips connect before our tongues begin exploring each other’s. Troy pulls away after a bit and kisses my lips a few times before slipping his tongue back in and sending chills down my body.

  Positioning himself so that’s he resting mostly on his right arm, his left hand caresses my neck, before brushing over my shoulder, and down my arm. His touch is soft and gentle, something I usually don’t get from him, but I love it.

  When his hand leaves my fingertips, I feel him touch my hip and move across the skin on my side, and then he scarcely grazes the side of my breast before it’s back at my face. He pulls his lips from mine and looks deeply into my eyes. The only light on in this room is the small lamp on the nightstand, but it’s bright enough for me to see the emotion in his eyes.

  He maneuvers his body in a way that allows me to feel his cock prodding at my wet entrance. Instead of thrusting inside of me, he kisses and licks my neck, effectively making my entire body break out in goose bumps. I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer while adjusting my hips, in the hopes of aligning myself with him.

  With a slight movement from him, the tip of his cock slips in and I groan in delight. He pushes himself all the way in and I bring my legs up off the mattress.

  I hear him grunt, but he continues to kiss me everywhere he can as he thrusts slowly inside of me. Troy moves his face in front of mine, and looks into my eyes again, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s communicating something very important to me with his body and the way he’s touching me.

  For the next hour Troy makes love to me. There’s no hair pulling or spanking, and while we both enjoy that, he’s showing me his softer and gentler side. He takes time to kiss and massage every part of my body. He kisses me deeply and passionately, and makes sure to make eye contact with me.

  Feeling his love and desire for me makes me want to cry in pure joy. I’ve never felt this before. I’ve never had this experience in love making. We communicate without words, because none are needed. My body calls out to his and his answers exactly the way I need. He knows me. My needs and my wants. He’s taken the time to pay attention and gives me everything he knows I like.

  We do something rare and come at almost the exact same time. I come first, calling out his name with a lump in my throat, because this is the most passionate sex I’ve ever had, which makes sense, because Troy is the first man I’ve loved undoubtedly. When I call out, I feel his body tense and he comes with a loud roar that reverberates in the room.

  When we collapse next to each other, he pulls me to my side to face him. His hand pushes my hair back before his knuckles graze my cheekbone. His eyes follow his fingers and his thumb lands on my bottom lip. When his eyes meet mine, my stomach flips, because I know he’s about to say something I didn’t know I’ve been waiting for until tonight.

  “I love you, Emilie. I think I have for a while, but I know now that I couldn’t imagine having a life without you in it.”

  My breath hitches and my chin begins to tremble. “I love you, Troy. So much.”

  A tear trickles down my cheek and he wipes it with his thumb before leaning in and kissing me.

  When I had let it slip that I love her in the kitchen yesterday, I thought she was going to question me, but once again, she surprised me and said nothing. I continued thinking about it while we were watching the movie. I have never questioned if I loved her. I’ve never had to step back and evaluate things to determine if I did or not. To me, it was simple. Yes, I love her. It came out without preamble, like there was no reason for me not to.

  However, she kept silent. When she didn’t say anything I wondered if she had heard me in the first place, then of course I wondered if she did but wanted to pretend that she didn’t.

  While we had sex, there was no question that she felt the same way about me as I did her. I saw it in her eyes. The way she looked at me spoke volumes, and I knew then that I’d express to her how I felt. Even if I was wrong and she didn’t love me yet, I needed and wanted to tell her how I felt.

  When she said it back, I felt like my heart was slowly being put back together.

  I’ve known Emilie for about seven months now. What I think benefits our relationship is that we were friends first. Sure, we kissed a little in the janitor’s closet at the wedding we met at, but after that night, we never kissed our touched each other in a sexual way.

  Instead, we went out to eat and got to know each other better. We flirted with one another, and started learning each other’s personalities and humor. We clicked and connected almost instantly. I’m sure I started falling in love with her then, but because of my job, she wouldn’t be with me, and I understand that.

  I knew eventually I’d give up being an escort for her. If she wouldn’t be with me because of what I did, then that’s what I’d do. I knew I could always go back to the company. The hardest thing about quitting was knowing that I would be giving it up for a relationship. A relationship I said I’d never get in. With relationships come trust, and I’ve trusted nobody for a very long time. However, I had to give it a try. I had to give her and us a shot, because it was only me that was getting in the way of that.

  Now that we’re together, and now that she knows everything there is to know about Carla, including that I never entertained the thought of getting back with her, we can move forward together and stronger. As much as I thought I hated Carla before for what she did to me, wanes in comparison to how much I loathe her for the things she did to Emilie. Never in my life would I have thought that Carla would feel it necessary to do what she did.

  When I told Emilie that what she did to her was unforgivable. I meant it. There’s no way in hell that I’ll ever forgive Carla for what she did. She lied and manipulated everybody.

  A couple days after Emilie got out of the hospital, we were going over everything about Christine to see if it matched up with Carla. When Emilie mentioned that -Carla as Christine- said she spent Christmas with her parents, I told her that Carla told me her parents died.

  If that was the case, then I figured it had to be two different people. The only way to find out for sure was for me to go to my parent’s house and see if they happened to have any old pictures of Carla and me. After my mom dug around in some old boxes, she came up with one of me and Carla right before we got engaged. I hated looking at the picture, because it brought up too many bad memories.

  After giving my parents a rundown of what all was going on, and promising to bring Emilie by for them to meet, I went home where Emilie and Adrienne were waiting for me, and showed them both the picture.

  They agreed that it was the Christine they had been hanging out with. So, Carla either lied to me about losing her parents in order to get my sympathy and find a way over here, or she lied to them for whatever reason. We all assumed it was me she lied to, because with that lie, she got my sympathy and got me to open the door for her when she showed up in tears.

  Now, all we can hope for is that the police find Carla, and soon. Not that I’ll even let her get anywhere near Emilie again, but I know Emilie will rest easier knowing she isn’t lurking out there somewhere, watching our every move.

  The plan for today is for Adrienne and Emilie to hang out at Jace’s house while he and I meet up with Marc at the club. We’re almost completely sure that Carla has no idea where Jace lives and would never think to go over there, plus his whole lot is pretty secure.

  After Adrienne came by to pick up Emilie, and after I went on and on about making sure nobody was following them, I left the house myself to head to the club. On my way over, I make sure that there are no cars following me, because I’d hate to lead her to the club.

  When I arrive, I head up to my office on the second floor and go through some of the fi
nancial paperwork while I wait for the guys.

  “Hey, man. How long you been here?” Jace asks as he walks into the room.

  “Not too long. Where’s Marc?”

  “Downstairs. He got a call. Sounds like he’s fighting with somebody.”

  Jace sits down on the opposite side of my desk and crosses his leg over his knee.

  “Fighting? Marc? That doesn’t sound right,” I say with a small laugh. “I’ve never seen him get mad.”

  “I know. I left and came up here soon after he took the call, so I don’t know what’s goin’ on.”

  “Huh. Okay, well, I’ve gone over all the financial paperwork and our profits are probably more than any of us expected. When all the bills and fees are paid, we’re still pulling in a shit load.”

  “Good. All the employees are on track, too. After we had to get rid of that bartender who thought it was his job to take a drink with every single customer, we haven’t had any other issues.”

  “That fucking guy,” I say, shaking my head. “I’m glad Marc got rid of him, because had it have been me, I don’t think I’d have been as nice. I can’t believe he was throwing up behind the bar and not cleaning it up. Fucking asshole.”

  Jace laughs. “Yeah, he was a piece of work.” After a brief hesitation, he clears his throat. “Hey, man. So, maybe I gave you some bad advice about how to handle that Carla situation.”

  I almost laugh. “Yeah, but don’t worry about it. Nobody could have guessed what she was really up to. No sane person, anyway.”

  “I know. I just feel kind of shitty about it. Adrienne would kill me if she knew I told you to forgive her.”

  This time I actually laugh out loud. “Yeah, she would. Like I said, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault. I did it for myself, wanting to let go of all that shit that’s kept me from moving forward. Then of course I told her about moving forward with Emilie, and I’m pretty sure that’s what really set her off.”

  Jace shakes his head. “I can’t believe all this shit. I really thought she’d be able to move on and you wouldn’t have to worry about her showing up all the time.”